Hola!, I'm Claudia Reyna Huamán. I was born in Perú and I have been traveling as a digital nomad since 2021.
I am an electronic engineer, and I had been working in the IT area as a project manager for three years when I decided to quit my job, and study to be developer.
Actually, I dedicate 100% of my time doing these things I love: Working as a junior front-end developer, painting with watercolors in my free time, and slow-traveling.
I'm self-taught and I'm always want to learning new things.
Graphic Design
I'm super comfortable using:
Technologies and tools that I'm currently exploring and learning.
Here are some recent projects. You can find more on my github
Here are some illustrations, I used watercolors, digital collage photoshop and illustrator. For more, you can follow me on:
I love travel. Since I was a child, I started to visit many places around my beautiful country. Also, I traveled for a month in South America. You can follow me on to see more about my trips.